Joint Submission by I Have Rights, Mobile Info Team and Equal Legal Aid
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I Have Rights, Equal Legal Aid and Mobile Info Team jointly presented evidence to the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on the implementation of ECtHR judgements on M.S.S. v. Belgium and Greece and Rahimi v. Greece, highlighting ongoing deficiencies in reception conditions and asylum procedures in Greece.
14 years on, Greece has still not fully implemented the Court’s rulings: serious concerns over undignified reception and detention conditions, de facto detention, the lack of adequate protection for vulnerable groups as well as access to fair asylum procedures and legal aid in both mainland RICs and the Samos CCAC persist.
With this submission, I Have Rights, Equal Legal Aid and Mobile Info Team offer to assist the Committee of Ministers in the supervision of the execution of those judgements. The Greece-based NGOs call on the Committee of Minister to ensure:
- Sufficient access to legal information and assistance for asylum seekers in Greek reception facilities;
- Sufficient access to food, and hygiene items in reception facilities, such as adequate medical and psychological care; Systematic and efficient vulnerability assessment;
- Proportionate and justified use of detention under appropriate legal basis and as a measure of last resort.
The submitting organisations recommend the Committee of Ministers to examine the cases on an annual basis.